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Monday, June 30, 2003

Memory Madness

Just seemed to realise how much of a difference a good amount of memory can make. Both for you and for your system. For example the eternal clean-out your... from your wife/mother/partner etc. is a great thing to remember; my wife was about to yell at me today for forgetting to do the usual dah-dah-dah, but my having remembered to do so earlier in the week allowed me to make my point noted (that I don't forget things like this etc.) and therefore now allows me to forget to do other things for some time to come.

My system is the same; it's grunting along on 128MB with a dual boot xp and redhat, but everything was dreadfully slow. then i remembered i had an old block of ram lying around and i plugged it in, and now things are just zipping along.

good memory can make a difference - don't forget

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