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Monday, June 30, 2003

Memory Madness

Just seemed to realise how much of a difference a good amount of memory can make. Both for you and for your system. For example the eternal clean-out your... from your wife/mother/partner etc. is a great thing to remember; my wife was about to yell at me today for forgetting to do the usual dah-dah-dah, but my having remembered to do so earlier in the week allowed me to make my point noted (that I don't forget things like this etc.) and therefore now allows me to forget to do other things for some time to come.

My system is the same; it's grunting along on 128MB with a dual boot xp and redhat, but everything was dreadfully slow. then i remembered i had an old block of ram lying around and i plugged it in, and now things are just zipping along.

good memory can make a difference - don't forget

Friday, June 27, 2003

First time blogging

This is the first time I'm trying out blogging. It doesn't seem to be much better than a diary (albeit a rather public diary). But then again, there is the other viewpoint. It's not meant to be private. It's meant to be like a soap box. You can rant and rave all you want, and if you are lucky (and if you publicize your site properly) the whole world can hear your viewpoint.

How the world has changed. It's become so small, my soapbox is so big. (usual stuff etc about the information age! :-) )

So what is my soapbox (sorry blog) all about. I guess it's going to be a mix of things. technology (as i see it), open source software, life the universe and everything, and anything else i feel like ranting (or talking calmly) about.