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Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Love or something like it

It's been over a month since I last posted. It's been a tough month for me, and tougher for my wife. Our dog, Piggy, died a month ago, on the 5th. We decided to just drop everything and drive down (up?) to Bombay (Mumbai). For the week we were there we managed to forget, but when we came back, the house seemed so empty.

Little things that I didn't recognise earlier were gone now, and they were sorely missed. Like how he used to bounce about waiting for me to take him for his walk. Lot's and lots of things like that.

I had once thought that I didn't understand what love is. But first my wife, and then my Piggy, taught me that I was wrong.

The worst part is that we didn't expect it at all. We thought he was fine and healthy. How wrong can you be.

For my wife, it's been even tougher. Her father is dying of lung cancer. And then Piggy's death was really terrible.

And I don't know what to do. I love her terribly, and can't bear to see her so sad.


We've got another pup, a black mini pomeranian called Dobby (yes, the Harry Potter house-elf).

It seems that life can go on in the midst of death.

And we can go on loving.

Another thing to learn.

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